Financial Statements, Budgets, Expenditures
Annual Financial Statements - Reporting financial information on an annual basis is controlled by regulations adopted by the State Board of Education and by Section 33-701(5) of the Idaho Code. The final financial report for the fiscal year is the full and complete audit report submitted in compliance with Idaho Code 33-701(6). Information provided in the annual financial reports comes from data collected by the State Department of Education. Each school district is required to maintain a reporting system for financial and statistical records. The general statistics and the statements of revenue and expenditures by fund of each district represent a summary of the activity for the school year. The General Maintenance and Operations (M & O) Fund includes the majority of revenues and expenditures of a school district. This fund accounts for the financial operation of the district instructional programs supported by local tax revenues and state foundation support appropriations. All other funds account for the revenues and expenditures of specific types of activities, e.g. special state and federal programs, retirement of debt, and capital projects.
Budgets - The annual School Budget is a plan of financial operations developed for the purpose of achieving the goals and objectives of the school district. The school budget is a statement of the estimated revenues and the proposed expenditures developed for operating the various funds and school programs during the fiscal year.
Monthly Expenditures - The school district maintains a publicly available website where the expenditures are posted. The expenditures are updated monthly and include records beginning on July 1, 2011. Data prior to this date is available by way of a public records request.